
The death of Sheikh Siti Jenar Not Executed

Sheikh Siti Jenar which is the controversial mayor's death was not executed as long as this perception of Islamic society.

"I am researching the history of Sheikh Siti Jenar of about 300 ancient library that does not exist in the library, was the perception of Sheikh Siti Jenar as long as it's not true," said Agus Sunyoto as the author of the book in Surabaya, on Saturday.

He revealed it to rectify the bad stigma against Sheikh Siti Jenar figure in the book review titled "Breech Malang implant" which amounted to seven volumes in the Book Store (TB) Togamas Surabaya.

Surgery book by Agus Sunyoto featured discussant Mohammad Sobary (former PU LKBN AFP / LIPI), Prof Dr Setyo Yuwono Sudikan (cultural / professor, State University of Surabaya), and KH Agus Ali Masyhuri (PP Sholawat Earth, Reinforcement, Sidoarjo).

According to Agus Sunyoto, Sheikh Siti Jenar also still running the sharia (law and charity in religion) and do not teach "sasahidan" or teaching that is perceived as deviant and misleading people over the years.

"So, the followers he considered people's perception of Sheikh Siti Jenar been a lie, even in the matter of Tawheed (belief) also, Sheikh Siti Jenar not consider himself is God," he said.

Doctrine-Gusti manunggaling subjects (the unity of God and man), he said, referring to Al-Qur`an An (word of Allah SWT) that Allah is everywhere without being limited space, motion, and time or God is always present in every room empty.

"When the Prophet Muhammad SAW build ka`bah Even that does not mean God exists in ka`bah Even but in the midst ka` bah Even there is empty space. Well, God is always there in every empty space, whether in the Middle East, Indonesia , or the universe, "he said.

Dissecting book by Agus Sunyoto it, culturalist Prof Dr Setyo Yuwono Sudikan who also professor of State University of Surabaya (Unesa) said, Agus Sunyoto been deconstructed figure Sheikh Siti Jenar through books.

"Agus Sunyoto been doing deconstruction figure`s and teachings of Sheikh Siti Jenar. From time to time, the country has indeed strengthened the hegemony of the clergy, poets, and community leaders who are considered critical and dangerous," he said.

Likewise, cultural Mohammad Sobary states, the work of Agus Sunyoto prove that history was never completed and the truth of history is not always final.

"At least, Agus Sunyoto have slapped the faces of the scientists who had been satisfied with the existing history, even Agus Sunyoto also managed to dismantle the veil of myth that has been surrounding Sheikh Siti Jenar," he said.

However, he said, the work of Agus Sunyoto be even worse if not just stop at the appearance of the figure of Sheikh Siti Jenar more fairly, but also encourage readers interested in the imitation of Sheikh Siti Jenar and finally bow down to Allah Almighty who created characters such as Sheikh Red.

Similar records are also said to boarding school nanny Sholawat Earth, Reinforcement, Sidoarjo, KH Agus Ali Masyhuri. "Agus Sunyoto was able to break down the stigma of bad about the figure of Sheikh Siti Jenar," he said.

In fact, he said, the view that Sheikh Siti Jenar was able to transform themselves like worms or dog has been denied, because such a view as well as engineered to discredit a guardian.

"kisah para kaum yahudi"

by : Syafisykes


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